언어학연구, Vol.28 no.2 (2023)
- 다문화 배경 학생을 위한 웹 기반 학습 한국어 교재 분석 연구 : <스스로 배우는 교과 속 어휘>를 중심으로 -
This study attempted to analyze , a Korean supplementary textbook made for multicultural background learners, by reflecting the demand for materials of the learners and web-based books tailored to the current trend. To this end, the criteria and requirements presented in the relevant previous studies were used to prepare criteria for analysis, and analysis was conducted focusing on secondary textbooks. As a result of the textbook analysis, all non-learning composition section were fulfilled, but it was regrettable that vocabularyrelated information was not provided in the internal composition of learning. It was also regrettable that it did not reflect the intercultural perspective. In terms of web characteristics, there were complementary points such as not providing sufficient data and two-way communication. Therefore, this study proposed four complementary items based on the analysis results, such as expanding the Korean vocabulary for learning, considering learner characteristics, actively utilizing web characteristics, and supplementing guidelines.